How an Artist Creates Mind-Blowing Domino Installations


Domino is a game in which players score points by laying dominoes end to end. The exposed ends of the dominoes are marked with an arrangement of spots, called pips, that correspond to those on a die. The first player to lay a complete line of dominoes wins the game and earns points according to a set scoring system. Many different games can be played with dominoes, including scoring games such as bergen and muggins and blocking games such as matador and Mexican train. Dominoes also help children learn numbers and basic counting skills.

Hevesh began collecting dominoes at age 10, and started posting videos of her creations on YouTube in 2007. Her video channels now have more than 2 million subscribers, and she has worked on projects involving up to 300,000 dominoes. She also creates mind-blowing domino installations for movies, TV shows, and events. The largest of her domino setups can take several nail-biting minutes to fall.

When Hevesh starts working on a new installation, she follows a version of the engineering-design process. She considers the theme or purpose of the project and brainstorms images or words that might be relevant. She then develops a detailed blueprint for the overall design. She carefully considers the materials she will use and how they might work together. Then, she builds a model to test her ideas.

Once Hevesh has her blueprint in hand, the fun begins. She takes the time to build a large prototype of her design, and then tests it. If the prototype works, she begins constructing the full-size installation.

One of the reasons that Hevesh’s domino installations are so impressive is because she uses physics to her advantage. A domino has inertia, which is its tendency to remain still unless pushed or pulled. But once the first domino has fallen, a lot of that potential energy converts to kinetic energy-the energy that pushes the next domino over.

The success of Domino’s pizza delivery was a result of its founder Tom Monaghan embracing “in the field” research. He learned about customers’ pain points, opportunities, and frustrations by listening to them. This helped him understand the need for speed and quality that became the company’s hallmarks.

Hevesh’s creative approach to the science of dominoes can be applied to other business challenges. For example, a leader’s ability to communicate with employees is critical to success in any business. Listening to feedback is a critical aspect of this communication process, and it’s a strategy that has helped Domino’s stand out in the food industry.

While Domino’s has spent years focusing on cutting-edge technology, it has also invested in developing leadership training programs for its employees and creating a space where they can create new ideas. Moreover, the company’s commitment to employee feedback has been so strong that it was named one of Detroit Free Press Top Workplaces. This commitment to employees extends to customers as well. Domino’s prioritizes customer feedback and has been known to open a dialog with upset customers to resolve issues quickly.